The Little Pink House is inspired by my momma, Pamela Jean Williams. She rocked hard to 80’s Hair bands
and enjoyed a tequila shot with a Budweiser chaser. She raised me as a single mom, and strived to make our
life as good as it could be. We went through the ringer and during the worst time of our lives, she made the
decision to buy herself a house. We used my babysitting money as a down payment and then because we
were literally homeless at the time, we lived out of our car for a few weeks, waiting to close on the house. This
house, our home, was her favorite material accomplishment and she sang John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Little
Pink Houses” to me nearly daily. Later on, she loved being a Gramma to my daughter Reina and jamming
music on the front porch.
She meant the world to me and I miss her every single day. I always try to purchase
her favorite pink roses whenever they’re on sale. This shop is dedicated to you, Grammamom.
I was born in Minnesota, raised in Colorado, and “finished” in North Dakota. I loved school. Growing up, I never thought I would be a teacher, but that is the direction I was led. I earned my degrees in Psychology, Spanish, and Education. I had a job before I graduated and have been teaching ever since! My daughter Reina was born during finals week of college 2006 and she is the biggest blessing on this earth. I am in awe of her daily. I spent three years on the local roller derby team—what a blast! For three more years, I was the coordinator for our community downtown street concert series (Alive @ 5). I still miss it, but life was leading me in a new direction. I lost my mom in January of 2015 and inherited a house in shambles. The last few years have been spent rebuilding my home and feeding my soul for personal and professional growth. In 2017, I earned a grant to travel Peru for six weeks. It was the experience of a lifetime.
Through all of this, I have expanded my beautiful circle of friends, and have now been blessed with an amazing opportunity to run this consignment shop. I grew up chasing sales at thrift shops in Minnesota with my step-mom Kathy. I vividly remember hunting down the right colored tag for the additional discounts with her. My mom was also a frugal lady: we often looked for secondhand clothes at garage sales and from friends and family. In fact, the wardrobe I wore in my teen and early college days was almost 100% thrifted. To me, it was amazing to wear unique pieces and stand out in a crowd. I would even get my vintage T-shirts tailored to fit just right!
As I grew older (and became a parent), my wardrobe style shifted a bit, but my "shopping arm" remained strong. I just couldn’t fathom full price purchases. So instead, I would search for affordable bundles of clothes for my daughter and for me, and then resell the unwanted pieces locally or online. Because of my love for fashion - and my love of a great bargain - I have always had an expansive closet of shoes, clothes, and jewelry. I (literally) dream often of finding treasure troves of clothes, shoes, or jewelry. It is truly my destiny to own a resale shop. And it is my hope to share the joy and beauty of consignment with you.
I am currently in a graduate program for Leadership with a concentration in business and non-profit. I have many charitable interests and wish to benefit the community through my business and future organization. In the summer of 2022, I decided to resign from my High School Spanish Teacher job. I am paving my own path supporting our homeschool and online youth while focusing on becoming a profound leader.

It’s a pretty simple story: GG’s began with a desire to share. When I first moved to Dickinson, I was surprised that the community didn’t already have a consignment shop. It was sad, because I knew how much fun it could be and how much joy it could bring. Consignment is such a neat thing: bringing in your loved gems to give them new life with someone else. So I began to ponder the idea of opening a consignment shop on my own. It took a few years of working and planning and dreaming for me to decide it was just time to do it! Dickinson needed a consignment shop, and I was going to make it happen. Even though I was nervous I was fired up and ready. I created a Facebook page, took all the clothes from my closet, and started posting on social media. The amazing response was a surprise and a boost of confidence, telling me I needed to grow. All I ever wanted was to create an experience that people would enjoy - to share that joy and fun, like when you go to your best friend’s house and borrow each other’s clothes. I wanted people to have fun making money , saving money, and finding unique items! It was my vision to create a space that felt like more than just buying clothes - where people could walk in for clothes, but leave with so much more. Because of the incredible support of this amazing community we were able to move into a larger location after just six months. Each day, we are meeting new people who are just discovering our special space, It’s been over a year now and we are so grateful. Our success and growth is thanks to you: the wonderful people who shop and share. Our hearts radiate with how much we appreciate every person that comes in. Each one of you has something special that touches our hearts. Without people, dreams are just dreams. It’s the people of this community that helped turn my dream into a reality. Thank you!